Poster papers
World-Model-Based Control for Industrial box-packing of Multiple Objects using NewtonianVAE
Yusuke Kato, Ryo Okumura, Tadahiro TaniguchiMemory Development with Heteroskedastic Bayesian Last Layer Probabilistic Deep Neural Networks
Georgios Velentzas, Costas Tzafestas, Mehdi KhamassiLearning to Navigate from Scratch using World Models and Curiosity: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Daria de Tinguy, Sven Remmery, Pietro Mazzaglia, Tim Verbelen and Bart DhoedtTactile In-Hand Pose Estimation through Perceptual Inference
Tatsuya Kamijo, Tomoshi Iiyama, Yuta Oshima, Gentiane Venture, Tatsuya Matsushima, Yutaka Matsuo and Yusuke IwasawaVideo Understanding through Programs of Action
Eadom Dessalene, Michael Maynord, Cornelia Fermu¨ller, Yiannis AloimonosConditional Neural Processes for Self-Supervised Goal Discovery in Action Imitation
Marco Gabriele Fedozzi, Yukie Nagai, Francesco Rea, Alessandra SciuttiLearning Spatial and Temporal Hierarchies: Hierarchical Active Inference for navigation in Multi-Room Maze Environments
Daria de Tinguy, Toon Van de Maele, Tim Verbelen and Bart Dhoedt
Extended abstracts or preprints is now available! Click the title of each presentation.
Poster presentation instruction updated 2023/09/21
Workshop posters are 4 feet x 4 feet. Please prepare a poster within the size.
Note that workshop posters and session posters are not the same size.